Комикс 2000 AD Presents Sci-Fi Thrillers
Since 1977, nobody has done sci-fi better than 2000AD, and what we have here is a collection of tales taken from the pages of the comic and the Judge Dredd Megazine that were either unique one-offs, too short to warrant release as individual graphic novels or simply not popular enough to demand a second series. The tales reprinted here stretch all the way back to the early days of 2000AD and offer great value for money. First up is the Pat Mills-scripted shocker ‘The Visible Man’, the story of what happens when a tough former soldier is covered with radioactive sludge and finds that his outer skin has become see-through. When the military decide that his condition makes him the perfect human guinea pig, he escapes – but where on Earth will he be accepted now? Next up is ‘Colony Earth’, a bizarre alien invasion tale best remembered for featuring villains that look like garden gnomes and incorporating a plot development that was later mirrored by the ‘90s blockbuster ‘Independence Day’. The blackly humorous ‘Homer The Barbarian’ offers some great artwork from the much-missed Massimo Bellardinelli, as does ‘The Pioneer’ which treats us to some of Jesus Redondo’s classic style. ‘Watchmen’ superstar Ian Gibson steps up for ‘The Amazing Maze Dumoir’, then it’s the turn of Mike Dorey for ‘Psi-Testers’. The creepy ‘Candy And The Catchman’ and ‘Universal Soldier’ lead into ‘Tribal Memories’, then Rob Williams and Simon Fraser take a break from ‘Nikolai Dante’ to give us future-mobster epic ‘Family’. The book saves the best for last with ‘Xtcnt’, a weird tale of bio-engineered dinosaur soldiers in a post-apocalyptic world who come to rebel against their human masters – great stuff from writer Paul Cornell and artist D’Israeli. Finally, John Wagner and Mick McMahon sneak one in at the end with ‘Superbean’, a short story about the world’s first vegetable superhero… Considering that some of the talents whose work is highlighted here also produced the likes of ‘Marshal Law’, ‘The Ballad of Halo Jones’, ‘Judge Dredd’ and ‘Batman Incorporated’, you can be sure that this hefty tome offers some high-quality vintage thrill power – roll on volume two
P. Mills, W. Simpson, G. Morrison, I. Gibson, P. Cornell, H. Flint